LP-500 Digital Station Monitor
Digital Watt/SWR Meter, Waveform Monitor Scope and Spectrum Analyzer all in one.
Preliminary Info
The LP-500 will only be offered assembled. Initial coupler offerings will be 3KW HF/6m, 5KW HF/6m, 5KW HF & 10KW HF couplers. A 1500W VHF coupler is in the works.
The following pictures do not necessarily show the highest resolution display options for each mode.
General* Bright, High Resolution Color TFT Display* 16-bit DSP Processor * USB Interface (not needed for normal operation)* Flash Upgradeable * Fast Screen Refresh * 12VDC Operation
* Provides Everything You Need to Know About Watt / SWR Meter * NIST Traceable Calibration * SWR & Power Alarms w/ Adjustable Set Points * Readouts for Ref Power, Compression Ratio & dBm Waveform Monitor Scope * Auto-Ranging * Trapezoid Linearity Display Spectrum Analyzer * Adjustable Span & Averaging * Two Tone Generator * IMD Readout for Two Tone SSB, PSK Multi Display * Bargraphs for Peak Pwr, Average Pwr & SWR * Numerical Readouts for the Above Parameters * Displays Gain Between Any 2 Channels |
Waveform Mode – PSK Signal
Rear Panel
Power/SWR Display
Waveform Monitor Mode – CW Signal
Multi Display